June 24, 2003


Seeing as though it's going to take ages for all the water to evapourate we've now got ourselves a view of the living room while it happens so you can see the clean up operation.

But why SlugWatch? I hear you cry. Well, it just so happens that here at ClaudeStreet we have some resident slugs, who like to come out at night and leave little trails all over the floor. Now the floor is more to the liking of slugs, we are getting more and more trails...

As they only come out when it's dark I've set up a timer clock on one of our lights to make the like come on for 15 mins and the go off for 15, through out the night... as slugs are slow moving critters it shoudl be posible to take photos of them in action! Well that's the plan anyway.

I'm saving photos from the cam though out the night so should be able to bring you photos of the little b******s in the morning... maybe!
Posted by Ed at June 24, 2003 04:19 PM

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